Innovative Patient Guided Research Into Mediators and Markers of Renal Disease
UK Renal Research Strategy
In 2016 the first UK Renal Research Strategy was published. Championed by Professor Fiona Karet of Cambridge University, and at the time academic vice-president of the Renal Association, it was co-written by patient representatives and renal experts from across the UK. The strategy was written to “to unite the whole renal professional and patient community and to provide information and evidence for funders, policymakers and those helping to create and support the next generation of researchers.” It recognised that research was the driver of “improvements in all human health” and set out 4 strategic aims where efforts will have maximum impact. SWTIRR was already working in manner consistent with the strategy, particularly in patient involvement, training and creating an open research culture and will continue to strive for useful, high quality research which fits with patients’ needs. The full document was published on April 2016 ISBN 978-1-5262-0191-1 and is available HERE.